- Pablo Vega Centeno
- Jérémy Robert , Vincent Gouëset
- Jérémy Robert , Vincent Gouëset
- Danae Román
Jérémy Robert
Les 5 derniers dépôts :
Mobility as an Expression of the Urbicide: The Risks of Transport Modernization in Latin American Metropolises
Pablo Vega Centeno, Jérémy Robert, Danae Román. Mobility as an Expression of the Urbicide: The Risks of Transport Modernization in Latin American Metropolises. Urbicide, Springer International Publishing, pp.205-232, 2023, The Urban Book Series, ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-25304-1_12⟩. ⟨hal-04661281⟩
This chapter reflects on the concept of Urbicide by analyzing experiences of inequality in daily mobility in metropolises throughout Latin America. It appears that despite allowing for improvements, contemporary transformations (particularly under the discourse of sustainable mobility) also have negative effects, either unwanted or not, that marginalize certain population groups. Three phenomena (or forms of Urbicide) are highlighted in this chapter: the deficiencies of large infrastructure projects in terms of costs, effectiveness, and coverage; the implications of the formalization of informal modes of transport; and finally, the forms of exclusion in the promotion of active mobility.
This chapter reflects on the concept of Urbicide by analyzing experiences of inequality in daily mobility in metropolises throughout Latin America. It appears that despite allowing for improvements, contemporary transformations (particularly under the discourse of sustainable mobility) also have negative effects, either unwanted or not, that marginalize certain population groups. Three phenomena (or forms of Urbicide) are highlighted in this chapter: the deficiencies of large infrastructure projects in terms of costs, effectiveness, and coverage; the implications of the formalization of informal modes of transport; and finally, the forms of exclusion in the promotion of active mobility.
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