Urban infrastructures, metabolic resource flows and the contradictions of circular economy ‘solutions’ in Nantes and Gothenburg
Jean-Baptiste Bahers, Jonathan Rutherford. Urban infrastructures, metabolic resource flows and the contradictions of circular economy ‘solutions’ in Nantes and Gothenburg. Urban Studies, 2024, ⟨10.1177/00420980241286750⟩. ⟨hal-04842792⟩
Urban infrastructures, as socio-technical systems that transform metabolic flows, are a key focus for efforts at initiating a more circular economy of resource use and waste recovery. Beyond exemplar discourses and claims, an infrastructure-mediated understanding of and focus on actually existing circularity projects attends to the diverse array of components, sites and exchanges through which transformative socio-technical change is envisaged, enacted and challenged. This article uses in-depth studies of circularity infrastructure initiatives in Nantes (France) and Gothenburg (Sweden) that involve a range of public and private stakeholders. We focus on the contradictions and tensions in these initiatives to draw attention to circularity as a material and political process of relocalising resource use while spatially expanding resource networks. We show how this process involves reworking large-scale infrastructure while nurturing community-level initiatives of the foundational economy, and thereby shaping urban futures through reuse and recycled flows but with a view to sustaining economic growth strategies. We argue that the materialist and productivist logic underpinning the urban infrastructures of the circular economy largely serves to aggravate the underlying fundamental systemic concerns that circularity was supposed to address in the first place.
Urban infrastructures, as socio-technical systems that transform metabolic flows, are a key focus for efforts at initiating a more circular economy of resource use and waste recovery. Beyond exemplar discourses and claims, an infrastructure-mediated understanding of and focus on actually existing circularity projects attends to the diverse array of components, sites and exchanges through which transformative socio-technical change is envisaged, enacted and challenged. This article uses in-depth studies of circularity infrastructure initiatives in Nantes (France) and Gothenburg (Sweden) that involve a range of public and private stakeholders. We focus on the contradictions and tensions in these initiatives to draw attention to circularity as a material and political process of relocalising resource use while spatially expanding resource networks. We show how this process involves reworking large-scale infrastructure while nurturing community-level initiatives of the foundational economy, and thereby shaping urban futures through reuse and recycled flows but with a view to sustaining economic growth strategies. We argue that the materialist and productivist logic underpinning the urban infrastructures of the circular economy largely serves to aggravate the underlying fundamental systemic concerns that circularity was supposed to address in the first place.
Avec les mêmes mots-clefs
- Échantillonnage aréolaire stratifié à deux degrés
- Enquête ménage par questionnaire
- Analyse typologique
- Stratification spatiale
- Tirage auto-pondéré
- Test bivarié de colocalisation
- Test des distances au plus proche voisin
- Calcul des intervalles de confiance par simulation d’échantillons bootstrap
- Méthode
- Logiciels libres
- Reproductibilité
- Cartes
- Bogotá
- Stratified two-stage areal sampling
- Household questionnaire survey
- Spatial stratification
- Factorial and cluster analysis
- Self-weighted sampling
- Colocation bivariate test
- Nearest-neighbour distance test
- Bootstrap-based calculation of confidence intervals
- Method
- Maps
- Open-source software
- Reproducibility
- Muestreo bietápico estratificado de áreas
- Encuesta a hogares por cuestionario
- Estratificación espacial
- Análisis de conglomerados
- Muestreo autoponderado
- Prueba bivariada de colocalización
- Prueba de las distancias hacia el vecino más cercano
- Cálculo de los intervalos de confianza por bootstrap
- Método
- Mapas
- Software libre
- Reproducibilidad