Silence and intersectional resistance: the mobilisation of Moroccan temporary migrant women in Spain
Chadia Arab, Mustapha Azaitraoui. Silence and intersectional resistance: the mobilisation of Moroccan temporary migrant women in Spain. International Journal of Migration and Border Studies, 2024, 8 (1/2), pp.56-77. ⟨10.1504/IJMBS.2024.140137⟩. ⟨halshs-04682598⟩
Every year since 2007, Moroccan temporary migrant women, known as the 'strawberry ladies' (Arab, 2018), have travelled to the province of Huelva, Spain to work as strawberry pickers. Morocco and Spain have signed an agreement allowing Spain to recruit Moroccan women each year, in order to meet a need for labour in the agricultural sector of southern Spain. This arrangement also ensures the transfer of foreign currency remittances back to Morocco while also fighting against irregular immigration. These women workers must then return to their homes in Morocco once their contracts are completed. This is a feminised and racialised segment of temporary agricultural work in Spain. The aim of this article is to analyse the political, social and daily conditions under which these women immigrate and work, conditions that produce complex forms of violence, insecurity and abuse, as well as inspiring strategies of resistance mobilised by these workers. Relationships of domination will be described in relation to class, race, gender and age.
Every year since 2007, Moroccan temporary migrant women, known as the 'strawberry ladies' (Arab, 2018), have travelled to the province of Huelva, Spain to work as strawberry pickers. Morocco and Spain have signed an agreement allowing Spain to recruit Moroccan women each year, in order to meet a need for labour in the agricultural sector of southern Spain. This arrangement also ensures the transfer of foreign currency remittances back to Morocco while also fighting against irregular immigration. These women workers must then return to their homes in Morocco once their contracts are completed. This is a feminised and racialised segment of temporary agricultural work in Spain. The aim of this article is to analyse the political, social and daily conditions under which these women immigrate and work, conditions that produce complex forms of violence, insecurity and abuse, as well as inspiring strategies of resistance mobilised by these workers. Relationships of domination will be described in relation to class, race, gender and age.
Avec les mêmes mots-clefs
- Échantillonnage aréolaire stratifié à deux degrés
- Enquête ménage par questionnaire
- Analyse typologique
- Stratification spatiale
- Tirage auto-pondéré
- Test bivarié de colocalisation
- Test des distances au plus proche voisin
- Calcul des intervalles de confiance par simulation d’échantillons bootstrap
- Méthode
- Logiciels libres
- Reproductibilité
- Cartes
- Bogotá
- Stratified two-stage areal sampling
- Household questionnaire survey
- Spatial stratification
- Factorial and cluster analysis
- Self-weighted sampling
- Colocation bivariate test
- Nearest-neighbour distance test
- Bootstrap-based calculation of confidence intervals
- Method
- Maps
- Open-source software
- Reproducibility
- Muestreo bietápico estratificado de áreas
- Encuesta a hogares por cuestionario
- Estratificación espacial
- Análisis de conglomerados
- Muestreo autoponderado
- Prueba bivariada de colocalización
- Prueba de las distancias hacia el vecino más cercano
- Cálculo de los intervalos de confianza por bootstrap
- Método
- Mapas
- Software libre
- Reproducibilidad