Les derniers dépôts de Sylvine Pickel-Chevalier
The Covid-19 Pandemic impacts on an Indonesian destinations: the study of Bali and Yogyakarta. Toward sustainability?
Sylvine Pickel-Chevalier. The Covid-19 Pandemic impacts on an Indonesian destinations: the study of Bali and Yogyakarta. Toward sustainability?. “The Internasional Conference on Sustainable Green Tourism Applied Science (ICoSTAS)”, ICOSTAS, Bali State Polytechnic, Nov 2024, Denpasar Bali, Indonesia. ⟨hal-04850450⟩
Recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic allows for analysis of its effects on tourism, asking if this conjunctural crisis has led to structural change. Our article explores this issue, focusing on Bali and Yogyakarta in Indonesia. We build an intercultural approach based on collaboration between French and Indonesian researchers, informed by structuralist constructivism and employing mixed research methods. Our research, conducted from 2021 to 2024, is inscribed within a post-colonial perspective. Results indicate that the vulnerability of tourism should be qualified. Communities continue to see it as a worthwhile activity, given its economic and social benefits. They took advantage of the confinement period to rethink tourism and channel their activities toward more sustainable models, yet environmental issues are still weakly addressed
Recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic allows for analysis of its effects on tourism, asking if this conjunctural crisis has led to structural change. Our article explores this issue, focusing on Bali and Yogyakarta in Indonesia. We build an intercultural approach based on collaboration between French and Indonesian researchers, informed by structuralist constructivism and employing mixed research methods. Our research, conducted from 2021 to 2024, is inscribed within a post-colonial perspective. Results indicate that the vulnerability of tourism should be qualified. Communities continue to see it as a worthwhile activity, given its economic and social benefits. They took advantage of the confinement period to rethink tourism and channel their activities toward more sustainable models, yet environmental issues are still weakly addressed