Sandrine Depeau ,
Benoît Feildel
Sandrine Depeau
Sandrine Depeau ,
Benoît Feildel
Sonia Chardonnel
Isabelle André-Poyaud
Sandrine Depeau ,
Hélène Bailleul ,
Benoît Feildel ,
Colin Kerouanton ,
Arnaud Lepetit ,
Boris Mericskay
Sandrine Depeau ,
Arnaud Lepetit ,
Boris Mericskay ,
Erwan Quesseveur
Francis Jambon

Sandrine Depeau
Sandrine Depeau
Les 5 derniers dépôts :

Arnaud Lepetit
Arnaud Lepetit
Les 5 derniers dépôts :

Erwan Quesseveur
Erwan Quesseveur
Les 5 derniers dépôts :
Children’s mobility is also part of parent’s ways of life. A psychological and time-geographical exploratory crossed analysis.
Date de publication
Sandrine Depeau, Sonia Chardonnel, Isabelle André-Poyaud, Arnaud Lepetit, Erwan Quesseveur, et al.. Children’s mobility is also part of parent’s ways of life. A psychological and time-geographical exploratory crossed analysis.. The human being at home, work and leisure. Sustainable use and development of indoor and outdoor spaces in late modern everyday life, IAPS, Jul 2016, Lund, Sweden. ⟨halshs-02326750⟩
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