How do people make decisions on where, when, and how to commute? And how did the pandemic crisis affect their commuting patterns? Based on exploratory...
This chapter reflects on the concept of Urbicide by analyzing experiences of inequality in daily mobility in metropolises throughout Latin America. It...
Desde el informe Brundtland y la Conferencia de Río de 1992, las agendas políticas no han dejado de promover el paradigma de la “ciudad sostenible”, s...
La gestion des déchets dans les métropoles d'Amérique Latine (déchets solides et eaux usées) s'effectue le plus souvent au détriment des populations l...
This presentation was prepared on the occasion of the official visit of Pr. Alberto Giordano within the framework of an academic agreement between the...
Este documento es el relato del primer seminario del programa de investigación Modural “Las prácticas de movilidad sostenible en las metrópolis de Amé...