In Tune With the Times? When Neo‐Peasants Choose Animal Traction to be Part of a More Sustainable Production Model
Maurice Miara, Philippe Boudes, Mohamed Gafsi, Thierry Rabier. In Tune With the Times? When Neo‐Peasants Choose Animal Traction to be Part of a More Sustainable Production Model. Sociologia Ruralis, 2025, 65, ⟨10.1111/soru.12503⟩. ⟨hal-04879798⟩
As regards alternative agricultural practices today, it is worth noticing the increase in the use of animal traction (AT) in France. Yet, the reasons for this reappropriation remain unclear. The life paths and motivations of users are the focus of this article. The study is based on 33 qualitative interviews with French farmers. It uses Gasson's theoretical framework and a life course analysis. Findings show that farmers who have chosen AT first tend to question the agricultural model. They can be described as neo-rurals motivated by their political opinions, a desire for greater autonomy and their passion for horses. These neo-peasants have opted for animal-drawn cultivation because they reject the main agricultural system and wish to create a new connection with nature. This study is also addressed to policymakers and people advocating more sustainable agricultural practices in general.<p>All authors have participated in (a) conception and design or analysis and interpretation of the data; (b) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and (c) approval of the final version.</p>