Les derniers dépôts de Sébastien Fleuret
Backpackers’ Tourism and Health: A Narrative Literature Review. Encyclopedia.
Titre de l'ouvrage
Scholary community encyclopedia
Date de publication
Date de soumission Hal
Sebastien Fleuret. Backpackers’ Tourism and Health: A Narrative Literature Review. Encyclopedia.. Scholary community encyclopedia, 2024, https://encyclopedia.pub/entry/54246. ⟨halshs-04411502⟩
Backpackers are an unusual category of travellers. Their unique mobility patterns, spatial practices, and the areas they travel through expose them to health situations that remain largely unexplored to date.
Backpackers are an unusual category of travellers. Their unique mobility patterns, spatial practices, and the areas they travel through expose them to health situations that remain largely unexplored to date.
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