Marielle Berriet-Solliec, Catherine Laidin, Denis Lépicier, Hai Vu Pham, Kim Pollermann, et al.. The LEADER process as a European policy for local development: A comparison of the implementation in three European member states. The 55th Congress of the European Regional Science Association : World Renaissance: Changing roles for people and places, European Regional Science Association, Aug 2015, Lisbon, France. ⟨halshs-01510116⟩
In France, the emerging wave of citizen renewable energy projects is in line with the European vision and national policies aimed ata more sustainable...
Le livre "Les quartiers culturels et créatifs. Ambivalences de l’art et de la culture dans la ville post-industrielle" a été traduit en polonais. Dans...
A conservação de áreas costeiras e marinhas é essencial devido aos desafios impostos pelas mudanças climáticas e à exploração insustentável dos recurs...