- Jérôme Piriou , Philippe Violier
- Jérôme Piriou , Philippe Violier
- Véronique Mondou , Philippe Violier
- Véronique Mondou , Philippe Violier
Philippe Violier
Philippe Violier
Les 5 derniers dépôts :
Convergence of the domestic and international tourist practices in Indonesia? Comparative analysis of the destinations and the practices of the domestic and international tourism
Date de publication
Sylvine Pickel-Chevalier, Philippe Violier. Convergence of the domestic and international tourist practices in Indonesia? Comparative analysis of the destinations and the practices of the domestic and international tourism. Colloque international “Asie et Pacifique”, 5ème congrès, , CNRS Asie Pacifique et GIS, Sep 2015, Paris, France. ⟨hal-01573612⟩
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