- Jean-François Thémines
Les derniers dépôts de Jean-François Thémines
Pratiques cartographiques et discours géographiques chez les professeurs de l’enseignement secondaire
J.-F. Thémines. Pratiques cartographiques et discours géographiques chez les professeurs de l’enseignement secondaire. M@ppemonde, 2001, 61 (1), pp.9-14. ⟨10.3406/mappe.2001.1625⟩. ⟨hal-04631559⟩
To analyse the cartographical practices in secondary geography teaching, this paper designs a model based on categories in semiotics and on the paradigm of spatial organisation. The model captures the epistemological positions of the teachers : distinct types of ordering of the world coexist in geography teaching, with/ through maps and graphical models.
To analyse the cartographical practices in secondary geography teaching, this paper designs a model based on categories in semiotics and on the paradigm of spatial organisation. The model captures the epistemological positions of the teachers : distinct types of ordering of the world coexist in geography teaching, with/ through maps and graphical models.