- Philippe Boudes , Laure Cormier
- Philippe Boudes , Laure Cormier
- Étienne Grésillon
- Sandrine Glatron
- Nathalie Blanc
- Shuai Sun
Laure Cormier
Laure Cormier
Les 5 derniers dépôts :
Perceptions and Implementations of Urban Green Infrastructures in France.Three Cases of Studies (Paris, Marseille, Strasbourg)
Laure Cormier, Étienne Grésillon, Sandrine Glatron, Nathalie Blanc, Shuai Sun. Perceptions and Implementations of Urban Green Infrastructures in France.Three Cases of Studies (Paris, Marseille, Strasbourg). Landscape architecture, Asla American Society of Landscape Architects, 2013. ⟨halshs-00991960⟩
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