Les derniers dépôts de Magali Hardouin
Mapping and the EU in French curricula. Pupils’ cartographic representations of EU borders at the end of a module on “The European Union as an Actor and Hub of Globalisation”
Titre de l'ouvrage
Border Studies. Concepts, Positions, and Perspectives in Europe. Conceptions, positions et perspectives en Europe. Konzepte, Positionen und Perspektiven in Europa
Date de publication
Magali Hardouin. Mapping and the EU in French curricula. Pupils’ cartographic representations of EU borders at the end of a module on “The European Union as an Actor and Hub of Globalisation”. Border Studies. Concepts, Positions, and Perspectives in Europe. Conceptions, positions et perspectives en Europe. Konzepte, Positionen und Perspektiven in Europa, 2019. ⟨halshs-02327862⟩